Fit, Healthy, Happy

It's Not a Challenge, It's a Lifestyle Change!

August 31, 2022 Dave and Peggy Stevens, Kim Gibbs Season 2022 Episode 446
Fit, Healthy, Happy
It's Not a Challenge, It's a Lifestyle Change!
Show Notes Transcript


It starts tomorrow, September 1st, 2022

I will be holding you accountable for the next 30 days...
30 days of change, 30 days of living healthy.
My goal is to get you feeling better, both mentally and physically.

My goal is to have you dig deep and find new, healthier ways to live.
When you don't think you have it in you, I will be there to help guide you.

If you're ready to do this lifestyle change with me, then send me a message.
And I'll give you all of the details (it's 100% free of charge, I just need a commitment)

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What does that word mean to you when you hear it?

Does that word make you wanna give up before you even start?

Does it make you feel defeated or just simply not interested?

We've been there, done that many times.

The word challenge makes us overthink things.

It leaves us feeling like we aren't capable of achieving or finishing what we even started.

And then it's worse than when we began.

We talk ourselves out of it when deep down it really is what we wanna do.

We are our own worst enemy...

*But we are stopping that right now. *

There's no time to hem and haw about it.

I'm not giving you two weeks, a month to talk yourself out of it.

*We're starting tomorrow.*

I am holding you accountable for the next 30 days...
30 days of change, 30 days of living healthy.

If you lose weight during those 30 days. Awesome.

But that's not my goal.

My goal is to get you feeling better, both mentally and physically. My goal is to have you dig deep and find new, healthier ways to live.

Will this includes some eating changes? Probably.

Will this include drinking a ton of water?

There's no doubt about that.

Will this include movement?

For sure.

Will this include pushing yourself out of your comfort zone?

I sure hope so.

Am I calling this a challenge?

No, I'm not. It's not a challenge.* It's a change.*

We are making changes in stepping out of our comfort zone.

I will have a Facebook chat group if you'd like to join. I'll give you my cell phone number to text. If you wanna check in that way, I'll even give out my email so you can reach me anyway. I'll be at the studio before every single one of my classes if you wanna stop in and talk, and even if not, let me know a time and I can meet you there.

When you don't think you have it in you, I will be there to help guide you.

If you're ready to do this lifestyle change with me, then send me a message.
And I'll give you all of the details (it's 100% free of charge, I just need a commitment)

We start tomorrow.

So get ready.